
MediaGlyphs by category: bodily actions (dol)

dol (55 glyphs)


MG: bite; seize with teeth MG: sleep MG: hunt; pursue; chase MG: swallow; get down MG: copulate; have sex; make love; coitus; sexual activity; sexual practice; sex activity; sexual intercourse; intercourse; sex act; copulation; coition; sexual congress; sexual relation; carnal knowledge; fuck MG: caress; fondle; pet; stroke MG: kiss; snog; buss; osculate MG: touch MG: dance; trip the light fantastic; trip the light fantastic toe MG: live MG: run MG: smell; odour; aroma; olfactory property; scent; odor MG: eat MG: sense; feel a sensation MG: smell MG: breathe; respire; take a breath; suspire MG: hug; embrace; bosom; squeeze MG: jump; leap; bound; spring MG: swim MG: crawl MG: sneak MG: laugh MG: vomit; vomiting; emesis; regurgitation; disgorgement; puking MG: die MG: rest; repose MG: bow; bow down; crouch; stoop; bend MG: see MG: feel; palpate MG: lick; lap MG: spit; ptyalize; ptyalise; spew; spue MG: awaken; awake; wake up; arouse; waken; rouse MG: catch; arrest; grab MG: be born MG: kick MG: taste MG: shout; scream; cry out; yell; shout out; call; holler; hollo; squall MG: lie; be lying MG: walk MG: drink; imbibe MG: sit; sit down MG: hear MG: gesture MG: squat; crouch; scrunch; hunker; hunker down MG: climb MG: kill MG: throw; toss MG: cry; weep MG: tickle; titillate; vellicate MG: wrestle; grapple; struggle MG: smile MG: whistle MG: hold; grasp; grip; bear MG: lie; lie down; lay down; recline MG: stand MG: stand up; rise; get up


First appearance: Sat May 25 04:00:40 BST 2002 - | - Last modified: Fri Apr 15 22:19:23 2022
[MG: 収縮+する [しゅうしゅく+する]; 減る [へる]; 縮まる [ちぢまる]; 縮む [ちぢむ]; 縮る [ちぢる]; 蹙る [しゅくる]MG: 業 [わざ]; 所為 [しょい]; 所行 [しょぎょう]; 仕業 [しわざ]; 所業 [しょぎょう]; 行為 [こうい]; アクト; 営み [いとなみ]; 営為 [えいい]; 活動 [かつどう]; 行ない [おこない]; 行い [おこない]; 行 [ぎょう]; 行動 [こうどう]]?