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MediaGlyphs Project

Gone Death Life's Lost MG: go; travel; move; locomote MG: die MG: lose MG: live

^^^ Texts

a Word-Square poem by Giuseppe Insana

MG: go; travel; move; locomote MG: die MG: lose MG: live
MG: live MG: arrive (at); get (to); come MG: live MG: save; rescue
MG: lose MG: die MG: begin; start out; commence; set about; lead off MG: die
MG: die MG: save; rescue MG: live MG: return; go back; revert; get back

This poem can be read horizontally (left to right, right to left) or vertically (top to bottom, bottom to top). It was originally written in Chinese and MediaGlyphs.
What follows is a literal translation in English with some explanatory notes.

godeathloselife(gone death, life is lost / lost life, death goes)
lifecomeliferestore(life comes, life is restored / restored life, life comes)
losedeathstartdeath(lost death, death [re]starts / death starts and death is lost)
deathrestorelifereturn(death restored, life returns / life's return restores death)
(gone life, death is lost / lost death, life goes)(death comes, death is restored / restored death, death comes)(lost life, life [re]starts / life starts and life is lost)(life restored, death returns / death's return restores life)

First appearance: Mon Jun 24 02:18:59 BST 2002 - | - Last modified: Thu Dec 10 22:07:31 CET 2009
MG: ??