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Composite Glyphs {MG: mediaMG: glyph; ideogram; logogram; hieroglyph; pictogram; icon}

Types of composites

The composites can be classified according to the way in which the new meaning is conveyed out of the meaning of the constituents. The most used patterns are:
  1. nounA + nounB = noun

    This works similarly in many languages. The order is usually "A's B", i.e. with the modifying/specifying component before the modified/general one. As in the English words "keyhole" (hole for keys, key's hole) or "anthill" (ants' hill). Note that sometimes an element part of the composite could be marked as a verb: in reality that is an action-glyph used as a noun specifying the action (e.g. "vision": "see=act of seeing" + "sense"; e.g. "sexism": "gender" + "discriminate=discrimination").

    {MG: bananaMG: tree} {MG: lockMG: hole} {MG: nose; olfactory organMG: hole} {MG: animal; fauna; animate being; beast; brute; creatureMG: garden} {MG: paddle; oarMG: boat} {MG: week; calendar week; hebdomadMG: day; twenty-four hours; solar day; twenty-four hour period; 24-hour interval; mean solar day} {MG: king; male monarch; RexMG: daughter; girl} {MG: mediaMG: glyph; ideogram; logogram; hieroglyph; pictogram; icon} {MG: parent; parentsMG: sister; sis}
    banan tree / keyhole (literally "lockhole") / nostril (the "nosehole") / zoo (animal garden) / rowing boat (boat using oars) / week-day / princess (king's daughter) / mediaglyph / aunt (parents' sister)

  2. adjective + noun = noun

    A noun specified/clarified by an adjective (or in some cases by an adverb)

    {MG: lowMG: leg} {MG: afraidMG: feel; experience}
    calf (the bottom part of the leg) / fear ("afraid-emotion")

  3. preposition + noun = noun

    Note that preposition in this case includes also those that in MediaGlyphic (and in other languages) are usually postpositions.

    {MG: without; with no (..); lacking; a-; -lessMG: job; employment; occupation; business; line of work; line} {MG: with; accompanied byMG: ability; capacity; capability; power}
    unemployment / expertise

  4. object + verb = verb

    An action glyph and the object of that action. The resulting composite is usually a verb.

    {MG: nippleMG: suck}
    milk, suckle ("nipple-suck")

  5. verb + object = noun

    In this case the composite can be thought of as "A-ed B" as in the example "painted image"="painting". Alternatively: as "A-ing B". The resulting composite is a noun.

    {MG: paintMG: picture; image; figure}
    painting (painted image)

  6. verb + adjective = verb

    These composites can be read as "verb + to be + adjective". The result is usually a verb.

    {MG: feel; experienceMG: worried; anxious; nervous; queasy; uneasy; unquiet} {MG: tell; state; relate; allege; aver; sayMG: suffering; in grief; discomforted; distressed; painful} {MG: show; exhibit; display; exposeMG: wrong; incorrect; false; mis-} {MG: make; renderMG: open}
    worry (feel worried) / complain (express to be suffering) / refute (show to be wrong) / open (make/cause to be open)

  7. modifier + verb = verb

    The modifier can be a noun, an adverb, an adjective or a preposition.

    {MG: telephone; phone; telephone setMG: speak; talk; say; express in words} {MG: downMG: arrive (at); get (to); come} {MG: cipher; cypher; enciphermentMG: write}
    to phone (literally phone-talking, talk on the phone) / to descend (down-come) / encrypt (write in/using cypher)

  8. subject + verb



  9. verb + verb = verb

    Two verbs together.. In particular, the common composites "Cause to" and ..

    {MG: speak; talk; say; express in wordsMG: read}
    to read aloud (speak-read)

  10. modifier + adjective = adjective


    {MG: opposite; inverse; un-; de-MG: normal; ordinary; usual}
    uncommon (opposite+ordinary)

  11. grouping, generalisation


    {MG: king; male monarch; RexMG: queen; queen regnant; female monarch}
    sovereign (unspecified gender)

  12. grouping, opposition


    {MG: bitterMG: sweet}

  13. duplication

    the same glyph is repeated twice

    {MG: hearMG: hear} {MG: seeMG: see}
    to listen (hear+hear) / to watch (see+see)

  14. abbreviation of longer combinations

    Some elements can be removed in order to simplify the word.

    {MG: sunMG: down}
    ( {MG: sunMG: downMG: leave; depart; go away (from); part} )
    sunset (sun+descent becomes sun+down)

What is MG?
First appearance: Thu Feb 26 01:12:04 CET 2004 - | - Last modified: Mon Jul 20 23:32:30 CEST 2009
[MG: ?MG: sita]?