Kuro laarin ipamọ eni


RSS feed

Latest glyph uploaded:

MG: float; swimfloat; swim

Latest concept created:

{MG: throughMG: sink; drop; drop down}percolate; sink in; permeate; filter


Latest changes:

  • May 16. New concepts, definitions, examples and translations. More webpage translations. [db,transl,website]
  • Apr 26. New concepts, definitions, examples and translations. [db,transl]
  • Apr 20. New concepts, definitions, examples and translations. [db,transl]
  • Apr 11. New glyphs, concepts and translations. [glyphs,db,transl]
  • Apr 6. New glyphs, concepts and translations. [glyphs,db,transl]
  • Mar 30. New concepts and translations. [db,transl]
  • Mar 25. New glyphs uploaded. [glyphs]
  • Mar 19. New concepts and translations. Php fixes. [db,transl,website]
  • Mar 11. Training of first NMT model for translation of sentences to mediaglyphs (mt-mul-mg). [prog,db]
  • =2024=
  • Nov 30. New concepts and translations. [website]
  • Aug 21. Refactored and improved php framework for MG display. Recreated Display MG system. Style improvements. [website]
  • Jul 19. New selectable alternatives UI for curation of translated MG sentences. Updated js framework and code. Recreated MGwrite. Several website fixes. New concepts and translations. [website,transl,db]
  • Jul 10. Spacy model for automatic translation of sentences from multi language translations to MG. [prog,db]
  • Jul 4. Written page about humancentric goal. New translations and concepts. Now indexing over 300 thousand words for 6800 defined concepts. [transl,db,website]
  • Jul 2. Fixed ethnologue links. Updated langcode for Bahasa Malay. New translations and concepts. [transl,db,website]
  • Jun 24. Huggingface argilla space for curation of MG translations. New glyphs, translations, concepts. [glyph,db,website]
  • Jun 9. Pipeline for automatic translation of sentences from cmn to MG. Setup of doccano online annotation system for review of MG translations. Displayed sentences can be now sent directly to mgwrite for editing. [prog,db,website]
  • Mar 29. Created and uploaded new glyphs. [glyph]
  • Mar 25. Added alt definitions to single glyphs. [website]
  • =2023=
  • Apr 22. Added many concepts and thousands of new translations. [db,transl]
  • Apr 18. Created new set of multilingual example sentences collating from Tatoeba. [db,transl,website]
  • Feb 2. Retired it1 mirror [website]
  • =2022=
  • May 28. Modified db scheme for standalone examples and definitions in any language, adapting all code. Added a hundred concepts and 12000 translations. Improved display of definitions and examples for preferred languages. [db,prog,transl,website]
  • Apr 25. Moved all pages from subfolder /mg/ to root /, fixed releditor and egy display. [website]
  • Apr 16. Fixed php compatibility issues [website]
  • Feb 5. Added simple MG lookup page with language selector [website]
  • Feb 1. added opensearch functionality: now you can add MediaGlyphs as search engine in your browser to directly look up concepts [website]
  • Jan 31. First United Kingdom mirror. [website]
  • =2020=
  • Jun 10. added ruby/furigana display to chinese and japanese translations [website]
  • Jun 9. completed split of verb & noun entries for action concepts; defined new PWN code [mg,db]
  • Jun 7. rearranged website directory structure, added new repository [website]
  • Jun 5. coded script for concept split of verb/noun (actions) entries [prog,db]
  • Jun 1. fixed wordlists, added new repository, preparations for concept split of verb/noun (actions) entries [prog,db]
  • Mar 7. improved the creation of the periodically updating randommg.png, which is now compressed and embedded with metadata holding the mgcode and a link to the existing translations; also added randommg.html presenting the same content in a different format [website,learn]
  • Feb 28. fixed several minor code/ui bugs [prog,website]
  • Feb 26. added new concepts and translations [transl,db]
  • =2018=
  • May 29. updated concepts and translations [transl,db]
  • Apr 6. created randommg.png that can be used from anywhere to display a random glyph [website,learn]
  • Mar 22. updated concepts and translations [transl,db]
  • =2017=
  • May 28. Added new concepts [transl,db]
  • May 22. Added new translations and glyphs [transl,glyph]
  • =2016=
  • Dec 29. updated mg website [website]
  • Jan 12. Cleaned up Mandarin Chinese wordlists, adding all the missing pinyin transliterations, all missing traditional characters translations and fixing some wrong simplified characters. The Mandarin wordlist now consists in 5544 unique translations [transl,db]
  • Jan 7. Added code to display egyptian hieroglyphs, both in unicode and with images (using WikiHiero). Check for example the egyptian translation of farmer. [website]
  • Jan 6. Added 100 new concepts (mostly composites), bringing the total of defined concepts to 6006 with 244666 indexed translation words [db,transl]
  • Jan 3. cleaned up mg website [website]
  • =2015=
  • Dec 20. Added new colour concepts (with many translations) elevating the hue variations and raising the total number of colour concepts to 28 [db,transl]
  • Dec 19. Added new colour concepts; re-created all colour glyphs [db,glyph]
  • Aug 20. Created and uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • May 17. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • May 11. Completed selection of 600 fundamental core glyphs. Added some concepts. Updated wordlists with online contributed translations. [db,transl]
  • Apr 26. Updated wordlists with online contributed translations. [transl]
  • Feb 20. Updated wordlists with online contributed translations. [transl]
  • =2014=
  • Jun 10. Uploaded new glyphs. [glyph]
  • Apr 1. Uploaded new glyphs. Fixed synonyms' redirections. [glyph,website]
  • Mar 16. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Mar 9. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Mar 3. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Feb 23. Uploaded new glyphs; added Toki Pona wordlist and conlangcat [glyph,transl]
  • =2013=
  • Jun 14. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Jan 12. Uploaded new abstract glyphs related to country and populace [glyph]
  • =2012=
  • Nov 20. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Nov 18. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Jun 19. Uploaded new glyphs for abstract concepts [glyph]
  • =2011=
  • Dec 15. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Dec 7. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Nov 27. Uploaded new glyphs [glyph]
  • Oct 31. Uploaded 11 new glyphs, completed plant-specific glyph category [glyph]
  • Mar 11. Added lookup field (any language to mg) at the top of each page. [website].
  • Mar 4. Composite creator now made available from MGwrite. First version of the whole MG semantic relationships graph (in pdf). [website,db].
  • Feb 28. Revamped mgx.php (explanation pages for MG concepts). Semantic relationship editor is now online and made accessible from every explanation page. [website].
  • Feb 24. First working prototype of MG semantic relationships editor. Defined several new relation types. Added linking from concepts to Wikipedia articles. [website,prog,db].
  • Jan 26. Optimised randommg() and coded how to avoid modification of dict hashes in case of no changes [website]
  • Jan 16. Several additions and some corrections to original language names page [db]
  • Jan 13. Added howto for AJAX and image=1 methods in page describing how to display glyphs [website]
  • Jan 12. Upgraded glyph tooltips to wz_tooltip 5.31 [website]
  • Jan 10. Created MediaGlyphs Of The Day RSS channel and added display of random MG to bottom of each page. Added possibility of specifying in MGML pages different display phrase options (e.g. intrans, remote, tooltips) for rendering glyphs. [website]
  • Jan 8. Restored addtranslation for web contributions of concepts' translations. Rewritten composite creator. Added possibility of RSS of contributions. [prog,website,transl]
  • Jan 7. Created RSS feed for MediaGlyphs. Added categories to changelog. [website]
  • Jan 6. Country flags in pagelang menus and in language names' explanation pages. Also converted and added SVG versions of all flags to explanation pages. [website,glyph]
  • Jan 3. Recreated display system. Fixed all pages according to new MG website. Uploaded new MG website to all mirrors. [website]
  • Jan 2. Adapted and recoded voclistgen. [learn]
  • =2010=
  • Dec 29. Added cross-site options to the website, including fullscreen, favourite language overrides and mobile view. [website]
  • Dec 27. Created standalone/offline version of MGwrite. [prog]
  • Dec 26. MG write features sorting, trashcan and graphical buttons, all in the same page. [prog]
  • Dec 23. First full working prototype of MGwrite, the new MG input system, with autocomplete, ajax auto update, resortable sentences. [prog]
  • Dec 19. Created on the fly image rendering display of MG sentences (via mgs and new imageflag parameter). [website,prog]
  • Dec 18. Adapted code for a rotating glyph chooser. [prog]
  • Dec 17. Created re-sortable MG sentences (for MGwrite). [prog]
  • Dec 7. Converted several pages and programs for the new MG website. [website]
  • Aug 15. Created conversion from MG databases to mdx format for Mdict program (win & pocketpc). [prog]
  • Jul 21. Added new glyphs. Completed styling for new MG website. [website]
  • Jul 16. First sketches of new style for MG website. [website]
  • Jul 15. Added page collecting proverbs translated to MG. Fixed bug with punctuation and mgpron. [text]
  • Jul 9. Added a new story written in MG: 'The bear and the travellers'. [text]
  • Jul 8. Added a new story written in MG: 'The lion-eating poet'. [text]
  • Jul 7. Completed technical document with specifications and examples for the new version of the input system software. Uploaded 19 new glyphs, completed glyph categories: body-outside, body-inside, plant-general. [prog,glyph]
  • Jun 25. Added 55 new glyphs. Completed glyph categories: weapons, tools, miscellaneous objects. [glyph]
  • Jun 20. Completed glyph categories: natural world, substances-organic. [glyph]
  • Jun 18. Uploaded 32 new glyphs, bringing the total number to 1259. Updated databases adding new concept definitions and translations to 990 concepts. Total number of defined concepts is now 5764, with over 236427 indexed translations. Fixed bug in category display of composites. Completed glyph categories: clothing, vehicles, mechanical objects. [glyph,db]
  • May 16. Uploaded new glyphs. [glyph]
  • Apr 29. Setup a single/central repository for user web contributed translations. [website,transl]
  • Apr 25. Cleaned up web directories, setup a new mirrors update&sync scheme. [website]
  • Feb 2. First Italian mirror. [website]
  • =2009=
  • Dec 26. Updated website and databases. Uploaded 92 new glyphs, raising the total number to 1225. Total number of defined concepts is now 5500, with over 196000 indexed translations. Completed glyph category: numerals. [glyph,db]
  • Dec 17. Created many new glyphs: for actions of making, rendering, becoming, doing. [glyph]
  • Dec 16. Added inlinetranslation as option to mgs.php and as new feature for inputautocomplete's preview window. Written a new story in MG: 'the lion and the mouse'. [prog,text]
  • Dec 15. Updated all web input systems. Created client-side inputautocomplete. Current sentence gets previewed while composed, then added to growing text. [prog]
  • Dec 13. Finished coding of db2php, which parses MG DB and creates all useful hashes (for dictionary, input, explanation pages). Language specific custom fonts can now be specified. [website,prog]
  • Dec 10. Created addtranslation.php. New translations of MG concepts can now be inserted from any explanation page. [prog,website,transl]
  • Dec 9. Made the languages' dictionary pages dynamic, served on request by a new mgd.php script [website]
  • Dec 5. Uploaded 30 new glyphs. New concepts and translations. [glyph]
  • Oct 12. Added many new concepts (now total 5148 defined) and translations (15000 new indexed words). Added latest glyph and latest concept links to this changelog. [db,website]
  • Sep 28. Updated to new style of dictionary pages (lang2mg). [website]
  • Sep 18. Uploaded 144 new glyphs, raising the total number to 1120. Completed "animals" glyph category. [glyph]
  • Sep 11. Added new webpage about display of MG and in particular how to use the new mgs.php script to integrate display of MG sentences in user's own webpages (with different methods). [website,prog]
  • Sep 7. Created mgs.php and mgx.php for display and for creating dynamically all explanation pages. [website]
  • Sep 2. Added possibility of mixed phrases (glyphs+phonetics), and updated relevant programs. Improved detection of duplicated translations in database management programs. [mg,db]
  • Aug 31. Created two new databases: phoneticpeople & phoneticmystical. Started addition of many new concepts and translations into all databases. Completed "basic shapes" glyph category. [db,glyph]
  • Aug 18. Added translation of main and index pages in Russian. [transl]
  • Aug 10. Uploaded 31 new glyphs. Updated databases. [glyph,db]
  • Jul 20. Established syntax for input.utf8 database (morphological inflections and irregular forms). [prog]
  • Jul 11. Uploaded 79 new glyphs, raising the total number to 954. Continued revision of core concepts. [glyph]
  • Apr 20. Continued revision of core concepts. Converted format of page on morphology codes. [db]
  • Apr 19. New story written in MG: "The crow and the pitcher", with 26 translations. [text]
  • Apr 18. Added 88 new glyphs, raising the total number of glyphs with image to 895 (out of 1907 currently planned). [glyph]
  • Apr 13. Continued revision of core concepts. Completed animal-specific category. New composites created. [glyph,db]
  • Apr 7. Started revision of all core concepts. Added new core concepts, expecially in animal-general category. New composites created. New translations added. [db]
  • Mar 31. New version of inputautocomplete (the php/js MG input program) uploaded. It has preview feature that displays the glyphs while user selects intended meaning. [prog]
  • Mar 13. Created 11 new glyphs, completed "grammatical" glyphs category. [glyph]
  • Mar 12. First version of the input.utf8 file, for holding special expressions and language particular expression forms. [prog]
  • Mar 11. Coded program for automatic assignment (via consensus) of mg codes to wordlists and multiple translations of concepts. [prog,db]
  • Mar 8. Coded program for parsing (solving ambiguities) multiple dictionaries. [prog,db]
  • Mar 3. Completed parsing of m17n language name translations. Added M-G codes to language entries. Moved all synonymous city/country names to synonyms wordlist. MG system now defines over 4400 concepts and indexes over 150,000 words in 390 languages. [db]
  • Feb 29. Updated programs to deal with dictionaries and glyph explanation pages, to accomodate new maindict and to accept as input keywords entire phrases, not just single words. [prog,db]
  • Feb 28. Redone and completed parsing of geonames.de, creating new wordlist database phoneticgeo and adding all the data to the MG system. [db]
  • Feb 12. Curated new translations from Unilang. Added 35 new translations to "Where is James?" story. [transl]
  • Feb 9. New input/lookup system using autocomplete dropdown lists. Works with all languages including pinyin and hiragana inputs (for Cmn and Jpn). Added short introduction page about input systems. [prog]
  • Feb 5. Added three new translations to "Where is James?" story. Placed langmenu also on top of stories. Introduction page now available in many languages. [text,transl,website]
  • Feb 4. Added several new glyphs. Moved chinese mirror. [glyph,website]
  • Feb 3. Created many new concepts as composites. Added new page to the dictionaries page: Danci2500 - about the 2500 most common words (two-character combinations) in Chinese, and their MG rendering. [db,learn]
  • =2008=
  • Dec 14. Added new glyphs. [glyph]
  • Oct 7. Curated new translations from Unilang contributors. [db]
  • Mar 5. Added 250 new translations and a new language (Tatar). [db]
  • =2007=
  • Jun 25. Added 14 new glyphs. [glyph]
  • May 25. Added 300 new translations and a new glyph. [db,glyph]
  • =2006=
  • Dec 22. Added 600 new translations of glyphs in 12 language wordlists. [db]
  • Jun 12. Added new glyphs. [glyph]
  • May 21. Added some new glyphs and concepts, updated intro webpages. [glyph,db,website]
  • May 7. Added or updated 71 new glyphs (mainly in the categories: motion food objects people body-actions buildings plants quantity). Completed adding all composites to the conceptslists. Added several new concepts. Programs and scripts for database and website manipulation made available through CVS. [glyph,db]
  • May 4. Added 25 new glyphs and updated 3 in the following categories: body-out, actions, information, numbers, room elements, shapes. Added several Italian translations of language names. Vocabulary list generator can now display glyphs. New concepts and glyphs for animal-general and animal-specific. Clarified conditions and terms of use for contents and resources provided by the MediaGlyph Project. [glyph,learn,website]
  • May 2. Completed codechange, switching to new langcodes in programs, wordlists, webpages, texts and directory stucture. Implemented system to keep track of statistics along time. Added the possibility to inherit translations across languages, to avoid cluttering databases with identical copies of the same translation (this is expecially important for names which are often translated identically in many languages). [db,website]
  • Apr 30. Finished adding conceptslists (for vocabulary generation and wordlist editing). Assigned category to all composites. Category displayed in explanation pages and composites sorted by category in the dictionary page listing them. All phrases and composites now listed, with those with all images present being displayed and the others being just linked. new composites made with the composite creator. Added statistics page for glyphs, concepts, words, languages. They also get included in the main page. [learn,website,db]
  • Apr 29. New feature for lookup system: interactive choice of desired concept in case of ambiguity. New program to create/edit new composites. [prog]
  • Apr 26. New features for lookup system: inheritance of languages (e.g. eng-us from eng), direct visualisation of resulting glyphs, possibility of looking up words using pinyin or hiragana instead of ideograms, for Chinese and Japanese languages. [prog]
  • Apr 24. Created a new lookup system for MG, in php. [prog]
  • Apr 23. Completed addition of translation tooltip code to the webpages containing glyphs. Created a new display system for MG, in php. [website,prog]
  • Apr 21. More glyphs added. Updated list of tested browsers. Tooltips code added to sample sentences and glyphsets. [glyph,website]
  • Apr 17. New glyphs added. New conceptslists added for both vocabulary generation and editing of translations. [glyph,learn]
  • Apr 15. 78 new languages added to database, using the new codes (first phase of codechange: preparation). Ethnologue v.15 codes assigned to each language (mapping completed) and now the explanation pages of the language names link to the new ethnologue pages. 6 new glyphs added, raising the total number of glyphs with image to 666 (out of 1800 currently planned). [db,glyph]
  • Apr 11. Started planning codechange to align with Ethnologue v.15 and future ISO-639-3. Preparing addition of several new languages. Parsing of country names. [db]
  • Apr 10. Added several new glyphs, mostly qualities or anyway generated as oppositions. Dictionary pages now appearing only in unicode encoding. [glyph,website]
  • Apr 4. Added several new glyphs, mostly in the actions, grammatical and adpositions glyphsets. Created new translations tooltips test page, implementing a new and promising scheme for displaying glyph mouseover translations. [glyph,website]
  • Mar 27. Created technology glyph, competition theme sentence now complete. All explanation pages now include link to the main page. [glyph,website]
  • Mar 25. Created elements glyphset under substances-inorganic. [glyph]
  • Mar 20. Added link to the conversation sample under 'texts', added newly created glyphs in actions, adpositions and grammatical glyphsets. Updated credits page. Added several glyphs from internet and from contributors. The total of glyphs with attached picture is now 581 (+94). [glyph,website]
  • Feb 16. Added link to the Unilang-MG online database editing system. [website,db]
  • Feb 12. Created the icons which were missing for the glyph categories. [glyph]
  • Jan 21. First prototype of the new input software. [prog]
  • =2005=
  • Dec 25. Work started on the new input software.
  • Aug 10. Added composite class to each glyph composite.
  • Aug 9. Added Sicilian entries. Creation of several new conceptlists for the vocabulary list generator and for the database editing system.
  • Jun 23. First entries by the unilang curators through the new Unilang+MG database editing system. Latvian wordlist being created.
  • Jun 9. After several tests, the new online database editing system programmed by Maarten@Unilang is ready.
  • Apr 30. First Chinese mirror.
  • Mar 12. First German mirror.
  • Feb 27. Portuguese core-wordlist now complete and corrected. Databases and webpages made publicly available through sourceforge CVS. First tests of the database editing system, implented jointly by Unilang & Mediaglyphs.
  • Feb 24-26. new <>-tagging in databases to mark grammatic comments. All entries now separated by " | ". Completed upgrade to new directory structure for programs, databases, glyphs and webset. Added support for temporary entries (concepts for which there are translations but not yet rendered with glyphs). Started explanation page on composite classes.
  • Feb 1. Update of concepts in wordlists.
  • =2004=
  • Dec 22-23. Updated the actions and emotions glyphs with the new standard character. Added new glyphs. Recreated pronunciation syllables with more standard music notation and adding Arabic counterparts.
  • Oct 11. New story written in MG: "where is James?".
  • Oct 1. Added Italian translation of conversation units index. As the new androgynous figure has been approved by several testers, many glyphs are being (re)created. Update of the glyph libraries is scheduled for November.
  • Jul 16. Wordlistcodes database; passage to MG-unique language identifiers (Ethnologue derived).
  • May 25. Updated information on mailing lists. Removed today's mg-date from main page.
  • May 11. Main server and DNS change. new hostnames for mirrors. new mailserver.
  • Apr 18. Glyphset remade: colours
  • Apr 17. Completed and placed online (under Dictionaries) a generator of semantic study lists from any language to any other. Added Gaidhlig entries from Unilang.
  • Apr 12. Translation in MG of the main page.
  • Apr 2. Added explanations (under "tip for browsers") and test page for defining known languages in browsers.
  • Apr 1. The users - by directly defining in their browsers unique MGcodes for languages - can get localized-webpages and colour-enhanced translations of languages not covered by ISO-639-1. For example they can immediately access cantonese webpages or get enhanced cantonese translations by specifying "yuh" in their browser's language preferences (cantonese is grouped together with all other chinese dialects as "zh" in ISO-639-1).
  • Mar 28. Explanation pages are now php and enhance with colour the languages known by the user (if defined in the browser's preferences) to make it easier to find one's own languages. Created and placed online new explanation pages for each language. Chinese core dictionary complete. new form of the original language names list.
  • Mar 26. new original language names. Integrated data from allied MG-Unilang project "Sequences" thus starting many new wordlists (the total number of languages and dialects in M-G is now 74). Translations arranged in columns in the explanation pages. Online database editing system coded and working. Arranged 232 languages by number of speakers, adding some new ones (all those with at least 1M speakers are now included in the list - which hence grows to 450 languages).
  • Mar 21. Intro-index page chinese translation. German core wordlist complete and corrected.
  • Mar 18. new introductory index page. Php code for multilingual recognition. Favicon(s) for browsers that support it.
  • Mar 16. Image border colours for morphology should now work on any browser.
  • Mar 7. Registered as Sourceforge project
  • Feb 24. All html p/ pages now in MGML format. Created word2mg: basic lookup system from any language to the MediaGlyphs.
  • Feb 20. Dictionary pages now also available in UTF-8. new language added: Arabic. The top ten languages (in terms of numbers of speakers) are now present in MediaGlyphs.
  • Feb 19. new language added: Georgian.
  • Feb 18. new languages added: Hindi, Vietnamese, Turkish, Polish, Rumanian, Thai, Indonesian, Hungarian, Czech, Catalan, Luxembourgish, Lao.
  • Feb 17. Completed databases restructuring and languages support.
  • Feb 16. Wordlistcodes database; passage to MG-unique language identifiers (Ethnologue derived).
  • Feb 13. List of language names in their original form.
  • Feb 11. Formed partnership/alliance with the Unilang project.
  • Jan 28. Many new time-period glyphs. Completed and placed online the hanzi500 list, with correspondences of most commonly used chinese ideograms and MediaGlyphs.
  • Jan 22. Written MG-encoding introduction & technical documents. Sentence 8. new pages under "how to contribute".
  • Jan 7. Chinese wordlists almost complete: 90%.
  • =2003=
  • Dec 18. Created glyphs for all concepts in "basic-shapes" ("ka") category. Multicomposites (composite glyphs made of more than 2 components) now possible. Explanation page on "single glyphs and understanding them".
  • Dec 16. First time-period glyphs, added "Time" glyphset. MG "today's date" in main page (the first universally understandable date system!). Main page is now shtml.
  • Dec 11. First story written in MG: "blind man and the sun". Changed highlighting philosophy in adjectives (keeping the glyph and swapping the highlighting instead than swapping the glyph and keeping highlighting always on right). new glyphset Identity. new glyphs in Actions, Qualities, Identity.
  • Dec 8. MGML (mediaglyphs markup language) format and parsing for multilingual MG web pages.
  • Dec 6. new pages under "how to contribute".
  • Dec 4. Added explanation pages on phonetic names, thanks to Geoff. The main page is now available in eight languages.
  • Nov 29. Changed the format of phonetic names database: main entry is now the name in the original writing system; IPA appears in png images. Italian and German translations of main page.
  • Oct 7. Finnish and English names - ipa+mp3 - online. Sorted phoneticnames page by original language. Changed tree hierarchy and encoding for phoneticnames. Updated conversation units with linked and corrected phonetic names. new grammatical and qualities glyphs. new glyphset "quantity".
  • Oct 4. new glyphset: "supernatural" and some new actions. Sample sentence 7
  • Oct 2. Added phonetic names and audio files of major Chinese cities. new page with reference chart of morphology codes.
  • Sep 24. MIDI rendering updated with possibility to keep same bases2notes scheme for different biological levels.
  • Sep 23. Phoneticnames can have link to mp3 files with their pronunciation (using mbrola and the diphones for the original languages of the names). Names for 20 major German and Italian cities added.
  • Sep 17. Implemented MIDI rendering of biological sequences.
  • Sep 9. new dictionary pages: phonetic names & glyph names.
  • Sep 8. Created possibility for curators to fetch the wordlists.
  • Sep 2. Setting up of the discussion forum.
  • Aug 30. Creation of mailing lists and chat room. Moved to the new server, correctly accessed with the domain name.
  • Aug 29. Pinyin now has unicode tone-vowels instead than tone numbers. new glyphset: question pronouns. new page on "how to contribute with glyph planning". Implemented automated "Storyboarding System" for glyph planning.
  • Aug 28. Tutorials page online (to hold conversation units and other tutorial material).
  • Aug 12. Morphology class of glyph and glyph-combinations now indicated by coloured html border. Created working javascript tooltips with translations for all MG.
  • Aug 10. Created first "conversation units" for learning MG, with translations in English, Chinese and Italian.
  • Aug 2. Contribs' page about strategies for glyph creation.
  • Jul 3. Two essays (Semantic unambiguity & Goals) added. Also placed online the contribs' page about "guidelines for wordlist curators".
  • Jun 28. Added possibility for Synonyms and Abbreviations. Also coded how to encode and html-display "reclarified glyphs": glyphs originally assigned in one category that get reassigned to a different one, to suggest a concept used in another way, for example transferring a physical meaning to the domain of emotions. Changed the way the wordlist databases are stored: they now occupy less disk-space and are quicker to analyse. First AI subproject started.
  • Jun 27. Started adding semantic relationships, wordlist-encoded and html-displayed (e.g. "opposites, synonyms, groupings, MG-definitions").
  • Jun 25. Added morphology codes.
  • Jun 23. First poems in MG. Added a "texts" page.
  • Jun 21. Coded how to deal with phonetic proper nouns, e.g. city/person names (using IPA, internally stored encoding in UTF7). Recreated how explanatory pages look. Recoded format_phrase routines. Added first 32 solutions in MG of Bongard Problems.
  • Jun 20. Coded how to deal with glyph-composed proper nouns, e.g. animal species names, proper MG names....
  • Jun 19. Sentence 6. Cleaned Italian wordlist.
  • Jun 11. Ellinika (Greek) 98%.
  • Jun 4. Suomea (Finnish) and Russkii (Russian) wordlists online. Nihongo translations attached, but to be cleaned.
  • May 30. Added -er and -ing grammatical glyphs. Also begun a set with qualities (adjectives). Sentence 5. Layout of the development areas for the new "how to contribute" page.
  • May 28. First translations in Japanese appearing online.
  • May 26. Added some new grammatical glyphs. Converted Bulgarian wordlist from latin transliteration to cyrillic (windows-1251 encoding). Added FAQ pages. Sentence 4.
  • May 24. Completed how to deal with composites and phrases. Chinese wordlists now sorted, by pinyin pronunciation. Added glyphlist page holding all combinations of core glyphs. Rescaled all glyphs so that only smallsize loaded unless click-upon to access explanation page (where full-sized version is shown). Sentence 3.
  • May 22. Switched to unicode. All explanation html files are created with unicode so that all languages can be seen at the same time. Individual language wordlists kept in original encoding. Added Greek language translations, 50%.
  • May 21. Created glyphsets pages, with glyphs sorted by categories. New glyphsets: family relationships and body (outside) parts.
  • May 20. Sound files for amino acids and nucleotides placed online.
  • May 16. Added Chinese PinYin wordlist.
  • May 11. Changed once more the encoding scheme to be visible under any browser (read: cope with how netscape 6.2 doesn't deal with accented letters in pagenames) and at the same time usable under any filesystem (read: cope with windows caselessness in filenames): the new encoding scheme (hopefully the definitive one) is as compact when information is stored or transfered but creates slightly expanded filenames (to differentiate between filenames containing uppercase or lowercase letters). Added dictionary/wordlists for all words present in MG translations.
  • May 7. Changed the layout of glyph explanation/translation pages. Changed main page layout (two columns). Added page with tips on different browsers. Added explanatory page on the glyphs pronunciation scheme.
  • May 6. Updated page on DNA representation, adding colourshapes and music for protein sequences and DNA sequences + multisequence codon usage analysis. Added two pages (about "auxiliary language" and about "music rendering") under Introduction.
  • May 3. Added page on representation of amino acids and codons.
  • May 1. Started testing frames and tooltips as alternative html visualisations.
  • Apr 28. First translations in Chinese (both GB and Big5 encodings) attached to glyphs, 50%. Added sample page about DNA representation, with musical and visual renderings of a human transcript.
  • Mar 28. Completely changed the encoding scheme because of Windows systems' inability to cope with uppercase and lowercase filenames.
  • Mar 12. Credits page.
  • Mar 11. Changelog page. new glyph set: adpositions.
  • Mar 10. Added Devanagari script to phonetics. Recreated music files for MG syllables.
  • Mar 9. Started attaching Spanish, French, Portuguese and Bulgarian translations to glyphs.
  • Mar 7. new actions. new glyph set: pronouns.
  • Mar 6. Introduction page. new glyphs sets: actions, emotions, animals.
  • Mar 4. First test sentence. Created music files for MG syllables.
  • Mar 3. Media & Glyph glyphs created. Registered domainname and first appearance on the web.
  • Feb 27. Created glyphs for numbers.
  • Feb 25. Final definitive version of morphochromophonetics.
  • Feb 20. Invented musicophonetics for MG syllables.
  • Feb 13. First encoding schemes.
  • =2002=
  • Sep 2. Started working at chinese translation of glyphs.
  • Aug 20. Selected vocabulary and sorted in categories.
  • May 20. Created first version of morphochromophonetics.
  • May 2. Begun working at the project.
  • =2001=

First appearance: Mon Mar 11 12:37:02 GMT 2002 - | - Last modified: _eng: Thu 16 May 11:00:28 BST 2024
MG: ??