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Phonetic rendering of names

While concepts are conveyed with images (the glyphs) in the MG language, all proper names (for cities, nations, people) are represented by the combination of:

Example: MG: Mary

The pronunciation represented in IPA always corresponds to the standard ("news speaker") pronunciation in the original local language (no dialect). For example "'dɔʏtʃlant" stands for "Deutschland", which is Germany in German.

Each such glyph is linked to translations in various languages, with the possibility of easy look up of the unknown ones until they get recognized.

In addition, audio files are provided for many names (and linked to the explanation pages). Example: listen

Stress is marked by an apostrophe before the stressed syllable: ' (e.g. 'roma).

Long vowels are marked with a triangular colon (ː).

Tonal information (e.g. for Chinese, Vietnamese..) is shown above the word. The system is intuitive, distinguishing five possible tone levels and all possible contour tones (variations between these levels) with one tone-marker for each syllable.

Further explanation on Phonetic Transliteration

What is MG?
First appearance: Wed Dec 4 18:00:59 GMT 2002 - | - Last modified: Mon Jul 20 23:32:30 CEST 2009
{MG: 美しい [うつくしい]; ビューティフル; みめよい; きれい; 佳 [か]; 佳麗 [かれい]; 優 [ゆう]; 可愛い [かわいい]; 奇麗 [きれい]; 奥ゆかしい [おくゆかしい]; 婉美 [えんび]; 明媚 [めいび]; 明美 [あけみ]; 眉目よい [びもくよい]; 眉目好い [びもくよい]; 眩い [まばゆい]; 秀麗 [しゅうれい]; 端麗 [たんれい]; 素晴らしい [すばらしい]; 絶佳 [ぜつか]; 綺麗 [きれい]; 美々しい [びしい]; 美しげ [うつくしげ]; 美事 [びこと]; 美的 [びてき]; 美美しい [びうつくしい]; 美麗 [みれい]; 良い [よい]; 艶やか [つややか]; 艶 [つや]; 艷やか [つややか]; 見事 [みごと]; 見目よい [けんめよい]; 見目好い [けんめよい]; 見目麗しい [けんめうるわしい]; 風光明媚 [ふうこうめいび]; 麗しい [うるわしい]; 麗しげ [うるわしげ]; 麗らか [れいらか]; 麗ら [れいら]MG: 増加 [ぞうか]}美化+する [びか+する]