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Semantic relations:

English: afraid
having fear; filled with fear or apprehension
afraid of snakes; afraid for his life; suddenly looked afraid; afraid to ask questions; afraid even to turn his head
العربية: خائف
日本語: 怖いこわい, 恐いこわい
Hrvatski: preplašen, prestrašen, ustrašen
Ελληνικά: φοβισμένο <-νη/-νος>, φοβισμένος
Català: temorós
Norsk: redd

Wikipedia: 1

简体中文: 害怕的hài pà de, , 恐惧的kǒng jù de
繁體中文: 害怕的, 怕, 恐懼的
Português: assustado, com medo, receoso
Italiano: impaurito, spaventato, timoroso
ไทย: กลัว
Български: изплашен, уплашен
Suomi: peloissaan oleva
Galego: medorento, medroso

WordNet: 1

Español: temeroso
Deutsch: ängstlich
Româneşte: frica, temător
Bahasa Indonesia: cemas hati, kecut, cuak, geman, gemang, gentar, gerun, jeri, kecut hati, keder, takut, risih
Svenska: rädd
Dansk: bange
Íslenska: hræddur, skelfingu lostinn, óttafullur, óttasleginn, deigur, smeykur, felmtsfullur, uggsamur, felmsfullur, felmtri sleginn, uggandi, banginn, felmtraður, skelfdur, skelkaður
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[MG: oneMG: tooth; teethMG: for; in exchange forMG: oneMG: tooth; teeth,MG: oneMG: eye; oculus; opticMG: for; in exchange forMG: oneMG: eye; oculus; optic]A tooth for a tooth; An eye for an eye