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MG: live MG: and MG: permit; allow; let; countenance MG: other; another; some other MG: live
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English: Live and let live
Lit. Just as you would like to establish yourself in the world, so allow others to establish themselves
简体中文: 己立立人,己达达人jǐ lì lì rén jǐ dá dá rén
繁體中文: 己立立人,己達達人
Italiano: Vivi e lascia vivere
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MG: 牢獄 [ろうごく]; 人屋 [ひとや]; 刑務所 [けいむしょ]; 拘置所 [こうちしょ]; 鉄窓 [てっそう]; 監獄 [かんごく]; 牢屋 [ろうや]; 囚獄 [しゅうごく]; 囹圄 [れいぎょ]; 囹圉 [れいぎょ]; 懲役監 [ちょうえきかん]; 牢 [ろう]; 牢屋敷 [ろうやしき]; 牢舎 [ろうしゃ]; 獄 [ごく]; 獄屋 [ごくや]; 獄所 [ごくところ]; 獄舎 [ごくしゃ]; 鉄格子 [てつごうし]牢獄 [ろうごく]; 人屋 [ひとや]; 刑務所 [けいむしょ]; 拘置所 [こうちしょ]; 鉄窓 [てっそう]; 監獄 [かんごく]; 牢屋 [ろうや]; 囚獄 [しゅうごく]; 囹圄 [れいぎょ]; 囹圉 [れいぎょ]; 懲役監 [ちょうえきかん]; 牢 [ろう]; 牢屋敷 [ろうやしき]; 牢舎 [ろうしゃ]; 獄 [ごく]; 獄屋 [ごくや]; 獄所 [ごくところ]; 獄舎 [ごくしゃ]; 鉄格子 [てつごうし]