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Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: foolish, ignorant
devoid of good sense or judgment; antonym of wise
العربية: أحمق
Deutsch: töricht
Româneşte: prost, necugetat
Български: глупав
Esperanto: malsaĝa, stulta
中文: bèn
Português: estúpido
日本語: 馬鹿げたばかげた, , 愚かしいおろかしい, 愚かおろか
Nederlands: gek, mal
Suomi: typerä

Wikipedia: 1

Español: estupido, necio
Français: sot, stupide
Italiano: stupido, sciocco
Ελληνικά: ανόητο <-τη/-τος>
Norsk: tåpelig, dum, idiotisk
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{MG: oneMG: zero; nought; 0; cipher; cypherMG: base; bottom; fundament; groundwork; foundationMG: number; numeral; digit}decimal number