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{MG: interested; fascinated; attracted; curiousMG: feel; experience} {MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: substitute; surrogate; alternate; replacementMG: exchange; trade; swap; barter; swop; switch} {MG: for; according to; relative to; by the standards ofMG: depend on; rely onMG: happen; occur; hap; go on; pass off; pass; fall out; come about; take place} MG: leave; depart; go away (from); part MG: go; travel; move; locomote MG: take {MG: nameMG: give} {MG: succeed; winMG: get; acquire; gain; obtain; benefit} MG: choose; pick (out); select one of many possibilities; pick out; take MG: quote; cite MG: call; give a name; define MG: district; province; prefecture; state; territory; dominion

MG: ??