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MG: healthy; good; sound MG: sick; ill MG: condition; state; status; situation

Semantic relations:
  Similar to: 1

English: health
the general condition of body and mind
in poor health; his delicate health
Français: maladie, santé
Polski: zdrowie
ไทย: สุขภาพ
Български: здраве
Slovenčina: zdravie
Slovenščina: zdravje

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 健康状况jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng
繁體中文: 健康狀況
日本語: ヘルス, 健康けんこう, 具合いぐあい, 具合ぐあい, 工合ぐあい
Româneşte: sănătate
Nederlands: gezondheid
Svenska: hälsa
Dansk: helbred, helbredstilstand, konstitution, tilstand
Íslenska: fjör, heilsa, heilbrigði, hreysti
Português: saúde
Italiano: salute
Hrvatski: zdravlje
Bahasa Indonesia: kesehatan
Suomi: terveys
Norsk: helse, helsetilstand, konstitusjon, tilstand
norsk: helse, helsetilstand, konstitusjon, tilstand
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{MG: breast; mammary; bosom; knocker; boob; tit; tittyMG: pain; ache; aching; hurting; pain sensation; painful sensation}mastalgia