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MG: mind; head; brain; psyche; nous MG: heart; pump; ticker MG: middle part; center; centre; heart; eye

Semantic relations:

English: heart, bosom
the locus of feelings and intuitions
her story would melt your bosom; in your heart you know it is true
Français: sein, cœur
Româneşte: inimă, suflet
Nederlands: hart, binnenste
Svenska: hjärta
Slovenščina: srce

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 内心nèi xīn, xīn, zhōng, , 肚子dù zi
繁體中文: 內心, 心, 中, 肚, 肚子
日本語: ハート, 五臓六腑ごぞうろっぷ, 内心ないしん, 内懐ないふところ, 御心おこころ, こころ, 心奥こころおく, 心根こころね, 心肝こころきも, 心胆しんたん, 心胸こころむね, 心頭しんとう, 心髄しんずい, ふところ, , きも, 肝胆きもたん, むね, 胸三寸むねさんずん, 胸懐むねふところ, 胸臆むねおく, 胸襟きょうきん, 胸間むねかん, はら, たましい
Hrvatski: srce
Bahasa Indonesia: hati
Català: ànima, cor
Euskara: bihotz
Español: alma, corazón
Italiano: cuore
ไทย: ใจ, จิตใจ, จิต
Български: сърце
Suomi: sydän, rinta
Íslenska: hjartalag, hugarþel
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MG: football; soccerfootball; soccer