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MG: clock; watch MG: moment; (an) instant; (a given) time

Semantic relations:

English: hour, time of day
clock time
the hour is getting late
العربية: توْقِيت, <root> وقت, وَقْت, توقيت, وقت
日本語: 刻限こくげん, 時刻じこく, 時剋ときこく, 時間じかん
Româneşte: ceas, oră
Bahasa Indonesia: masa, jam, pukul, waktu
Svenska: timme
Slovenčina: čas dňa, hodina
Shqipe: orë, koha e ditës
Euskara: ordu
norsk: tid
简体中文: 时钟时间shí zhōng shí jiān, 点钟diǎn zhōng
繁體中文: 時鐘時間, 點鐘
Português: hora
Italiano: ora
Hrvatski: doba dana, sat
Ελληνικά: ώρα
Català: hora
Dansk: tid
Lietuviškai: metas, laikas
Galego: hora

WordNet: 1

Español: hora, hora del día
Français: heure
Polski: pora
ไทย: เวลาในหนึ่งวัน
Български: час
Suomi: aika, kellonaika
Norsk: tid
Slovenščina: ura, čas
Íslenska: tími dags
(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

MG: arrive (at); get (to); comearrive (at); get (to); come