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MG: weather; weather condition; conditions; atmospheric condition MG: front

Semantic relations:

English: front
(meteorology), the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
العربية: جبْهة, <root> جبه, جبهة
日本語: 前線ぜんせん
Româneşte: front
Bahasa Melayu: perenggan
Български: атмосферен фронт, фронт
Suomi: säärintama
Lietuviškai: frontas
Íslenska: skil
简体中文: fēng, 锋面fēng miàn
繁體中文: 鋒, 鋒面
Português: fila de espera
Italiano: fronte
Hrvatski: fronta
Bahasa Indonesia: perenggan, gelombang udara
Svenska: front
Slovenčina: front
Slovenščina: fronta

WordNet: 1

Español: frente
Français: front
Polski: front meteorologiczny, front atmosferyczny, front
ไทย: แนวปะทะอากาศ
Ελληνικά: μέτωπο
Català: front
Shqipe: front
Euskara: fronte
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[MG: judge; form an opinion about; evaluateMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) judgement; evaluation