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MediaGlyphs Project

{MG: happyMG: feel; experience} {MG: recordMG: cause; lead to; result in; generate; arouse; engender; give rise toMG: disappear; fade away; vanish; go away} {MG: borrowMG: moneyMG: price; cost; terms; damage; monetary value} {MG: chance; randomicity; fortune; luck; hazardMG: option; choice; alternative; possibilityMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action} {MG: goodMG: future; hereafter; futurity; time to comeMG: result; effect; outcome; consequence; event; issue; upshotMG: symbol; sign; token; mark; symbolisation; symbolic representationMG: quality; trait; attribute; characteristic; property} MG: evening; eve; eventide; even MG: night; nighttime; dark MG: rug; mat; carpet; carpeting =MG: threeMG: fourMG: atom= MG: rest; repose MG: breathe; respire; take a breath; suspire MG: west; westward; due west; W MG: suck MG: tie; bind MG: wash; launder [{MG: goodMG: future; hereafter; futurity; time to comeMG: result; effect; outcome; consequence; event; issue; upshotMG: symbol; sign; token; mark; symbolisation; symbolic representation}MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj] {MG: pity; feel compassion toward; feel sorry for; feel for; compassionate; condole with; sympathize withMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action} {MG: small; littleMG: river} {MG: body; organic structure; physical structureMG: wash; launder} MG: habit; custom; routine practice; use MG: position; post MG: runny; thin MG: tin; Sn; atomic number 50 MG: rarefied; tenuous; diffuse; dilute; sparse; wispy MG: knee; knee joint; human knee; articulatio genus; genu
