ফুলস্ক্রিন মোড থেকে বেরিয়ে যান
MediaGlyphs Project
{MG: without; with no (..); lacking; a-; -lessMG: ability; capacity; capability; power} MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: incompetent, incapable, unequal to
not meeting requirements
unequal to the demands put upon him
Português: incapaz, incompetente
Româneşte: incapabil, incompetent, nepregătit
Български: негоден, некадърен, неспособен
Suomi: kykenemätön, kyvytön
Íslenska: getulaus, vanær, ófær
简体中文: 不称职的bù chèn zhí de, 不胜任的bù shèng rèn de, 不适当的bù shì dàng de, 无能的wún éng de, 无能力的wú néng lì de
繁體中文: 不稱職的, 不勝任的, 不適當的, 無能的, 無能力的
Français: incompétent, incapable
Hrvatski: nepodoban, nesposoban
Svenska: oförmögen
Dansk: inkompetent

WordNet: 1

Español: incapaz
日本語: 不佞ふねい, 不能ふのう, 勤まらないつとまらない, 無才むさい, 無能むのう, 能がないのうがない, のう無いない
ไทย: ที่ไม่สามารถพอ, ที่ไม่มีความสามารถ
Català: inadequat, incapaç, incompetent
Norsk: inkompetent
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