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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: coral MG: jellyfish MG: animal; fauna; animate being; beast; brute; creature

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: cnidarian, coelenterate, Cnidaria, Coelenterata
phylum Cnidaria; radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies with only one opening and tentacles with stinging structures; they occur in polyp and medusa forms
Русский: Стрекающие
Français: Cnidaria
한국어: 자포동물
Polski: Parzydełkowce
ไทย: พวกสัตว์ลำตัวกลม
Български: Мешести
Català: Cnidari
Dansk: Nældecelledyr
Македонски: Жаркари
Latine: Cnidaria
简体中文: 腔肠动物门qiāng cháng dòng wù mén
繁體中文: 腔腸動物門
العربية: لاسعات
Deutsch: Nesseltiere
Italiano: Cnidaria
Српски: Жарњаци
Nederlands: Neteldieren
Svenska: Nässeldjur
Suomi: Polttiaiseläimet
עברית: צורבים
Cymraeg: Cnidariad
bil-Malti: Cnidaria
Español: Cnidaria
Português: Cnidaria
日本語: 刺胞動物
Türkçe: Knidliler
Hrvatski: Žarnjaci
Čeština: Žahavci
ﻯﺭﺩ: کنیداریا
Slovenčina: Pŕhlivce
Lietuviškai: Duobagyviai
Esperanto: Knidulo
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