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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: base; bottom; fundament; groundwork; foundation MG: relationship; association; relation

Semantic relations:

English: footing, basis, ground
a relation that provides the foundation for something
he worked on an interim basis; they were on a friendly footing
Português: base
Italiano: base
Hrvatski: osnova, temelj
Bahasa Indonesia: asas, dasar, tapak
Suomi: pohja, lähtökohta, perusta, alusta, kasvupohja, maaperä
עברית: בָּסִיס
Interlingua: fundamento
简体中文: 基点或基础jī diǎn huò jī chǔ
繁體中文: 基點或基礎
Português do Brasil: base
Româneşte: bază, fundament, fundație, temelie
Nederlands: basis
नेपाली: अाधार
Հայերէն: հիմք, հենարան
Slovenščina: podlaga, osnova
Íslenska: jarðvegur
Español: base, cimentación, cimiento, fundamento
Français: base
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: بنیاد
Bahasa Melayu: asas, dasar, tapak
Ελληνικά: βάση, θεμελίωση
Slovenčina: opora, podklad, základ
Føroyskt: støđi

WordNet: 1

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