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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: do; perform; engage in; act; execute MG: route; path; course; track MG: method; manner; way; technique; mode; style; fashion; means; agency

Semantic relations:

English: course
a mode of action
if you persist in that course you will surely fail; once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
Português: caminho, conduta, corrente, curso
Italiano: corso, direzione, indirizzo
ไทย: แนวทางการปฏิบัติ
Български: курс, насока, посока
Suomi: kurssi, toimintatapa
Norsk: retning
Slovenščina: pot, smer
norsk: retning
简体中文: 行动方针xíng dòng fāng zhēn, 行动步骤xíng dòng bù zhòu, 路线lù xiàn
繁體中文: 行動方針, 行動步驟, 路線
Français: cours, cour
Româneşte: curs
Bahasa Indonesia: arus, haluan, jalan, perjalanan
Svenska: tillvägagångssätt
Slovenčina: cesta, postup
Shqipe: rrjedh, orientim, drejtim, rrjedha e veprimit
Euskara: bide

WordNet: 1

العربية: أُسْلُوْب, <root> سلب, <brokenpl> أساليب, طرِيقة, <root> طرق, <brokenpl> طرائق, غِراْر, <root> غرر, <brokenpl> أغرة, منْهج, <root> نهج, <brokenpl> مناهج, مسِيرة, <root> سير, مسْعًى, <root> سعي, مسْلك, <root> سلك, <brokenpl> مسالك, أسلوب, طريقة, غرار, منهج, مسيرة, مسعى, مسلك
日本語: やり方やりほう, 方針ほうしん, 行動様式こうどうようしき, ほう, 遣方けんほう
Hrvatski: način, postupak
Ελληνικά: τρόπος ενέργειας, τρόπος
Català: camí
Dansk: retning
Lietuviškai: kelias
Íslenska: gangur, rás, stefna, ferill
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: MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj MG: method; manner; way; technique; mode; style; fashion; means; agency


{MG: syntyäMG: päivä; vuorokausi}syntymäpäivää; syntymäpäivä