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Semantic relations:

English: air
a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of
air pollution; I need some fresh air; a smell of chemicals in the air; open a window and let in some air
Español: el aire
Português: o ar
Deutsch: die Luft
తెలుగు: గాలి
Polski: powietrze
Српски: vazduh
ไทย: อากาศ
नेपाली: हावा
Ελληνικά: αέρας
ﻯﺭﺩ: هوا
Suomi: ilma
Dansk: luft
Lietuviškai: oras
Latviešu: ārija, gaiss
toki pona: kon
Euskara: aire
Íslenska: loft, andrúmsloft
bil-Malti: arja

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 空气kōng qì, 大气dà qì
繁體中文: 空氣, 大氣
Русский: воздух
Português do Brasil: ar
日本語: 空中くうちゅう, エア, 空気くうき, エアー
Italiano: aria
kiSwahili: hewa
Hrvatski: zrak
Nederlands: lucht, leemte, air, leegte
Magyar: dal
Български: въздух
Català: l'aire, aire
Հայերէն: օդ
עברית: אויר <m>
Slovenščina: zrak <m>, ozračje
ar Brezhoneg: aer
Cymraeg: aer
Galego: ar, aire
Монгол хэл: агаар, агаар мандал, зөөлөн салхи, гаднах төрх байдал
norsk: luft
हिनदी: वायु
العربية: هواء, <root> هوي
Français: l' air
한국어: 공기
Türkçe: hava
Româneşte: aer
Bošnjački: vazduh, zrak <m>
Bahasa Indonesia: udara
Čeština: vzduch, ovzduší
Svenska: luft
Afrikaans: lug
Slovenčina: vzduch
Norsk: luft
Македонски: воздухот
Eesti: õhk
Esperanto: aero
Interlingua: aere
Latine: aer

Wikipedia: 1

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