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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: acid; acidic MG: molecule

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  Opposes: 1

English: acid
any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt
العربية: حامِض, <root> حمض, حِمْض, <brokenpl> حموض, حامض, حمض
日本語: アシッド, さん
Româneşte: acid
Nederlands: zuur
Български: киселина
Suomi: happo
Norsk: syre
Slovenščina: kislina
Íslenska: sýra
简体中文: suān, 酸性物质suān xìng wù zhì, 酸类suān lèi
繁體中文: 酸, 酸性物質, 酸類
Português: Ácidos, ácido
Italiano: acido
Hrvatski: kiselina
Bahasa Indonesia: asam, asid
Svenska: syra
Slovenčina: kyselina
Shqipe: acid
Euskara: garratz, azido
norsk: syre
Español: ácido
Français: aigre, acide
Polski: kwas
ไทย: กรด, แอซิด
Ελληνικά: οξύ
Català: àcid
Dansk: syre
Lietuviškai: rūgštis
Galego: ácido

WordNet: 1

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