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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: disappointed MG: feel; experience

Semantic relations:

English: disappointment, letdown
a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized
his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment
Português: decepção, deceção, desapontamento
日本語: 力抜けちからぬけ, 失意しつい, 失望しつぼう, 外れはずれ, 拍子抜けひょうしぬけ, 力落しちからおとし
Româneşte: decepție, dezamăgire, deziluzie
ไทย: ความผิดหวัง
Bahasa Indonesia: kehampaan, kekecewaan
Svenska: besvikelse
Dansk: skuffelse
Slovenščina: razočaranje
Íslenska: vonbrigði, vonsvik
中文: 失望shī wàng
Français: Déception
Italiano: delusione, disappunto
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: ناامیدی, نومیدی, نومیدی شکست
Nederlands: teleurstelling, fiasco, tegenvaller, ontgoocheling, misrekening, flop, desillusie, afknapper, deceptie
Ελληνικά: απογοήτευση
Català: decepció, desengany, desil·lusió
עברית: אַכְזָבָה
Esperanto: malkontentiĝo, seniluziiĝo
norsk: vonbrot
Español: delusiòn, decepción, disgusto
Deutsch: Enttäuschung
Polski: rozczarowanie, zawód
Hrvatski: razočaranje
Bahasa Melayu: kehampaan, kekecewaan
Български: разочарование
Suomi: pettymys
Norsk: skuffelse
Euskara: desengainu

WordNet: 1

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