Esci da schermo intero
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: monster; freak; monstrosity; lusus naturae; ogre MG: strange; weird; unusual; peculiar MG: different; unlike; dissimilar

Semantic relations:

English: grotesque, monstrous
distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous
twisted into monstrous shapes; tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
Português: grotesco, monstruoso
Italiano: orribile, orrendo, orripilante, grottesco, tremendo, mostruoso
molto brutto
Bahasa Indonesia: aneh, ganjil
Català: horripilant, monstruós
עברית: מִפְלַצְתִּי, גְּרוֹטֶסְקִי

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 奇异的qí yì de, 怪异的guài yì de, 怪模怪样guài mó guài yàng
繁體中文: 奇異的, 怪異的, 怪模怪樣
Français: monstrueux, grotesque
Româneşte: monstruos, grotesc
Български: безформен, уродлив, чудовищен
Suomi: groteski, kammottava, irvokas, hirvittävä, hirveä, hirmuinen, hirviömäinen
Norsk: fæl
Español: grotesco
日本語: グロテスク, ぐろい, グロい, グロ, 奇怪千万きかいせんまん, 醜怪しゅうかい
Hrvatski: groteskan, monstruozan
Svenska: grotesk
Dansk: rædsom
Íslenska: siðrænn, afskræmdur, siðferðilegur, siðgæðislegur, mánaðarlegur, móralskur, vanskapaður
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{MG: linguaMG: baciare}? MG: atto; fatto; evento; azioneatto; fatto; evento; azione