MediaGlyphs Project

[MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: refreshed; rested; restored] [MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: refreshed; rested; restoredMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action] [{MG: return; go back; revert; get backMG: receive}MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action] [MG: restore; renew; recover; rescueMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action] [MG: save; rescueMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action]

{MG: 筋 [すじ]; 筋肉 [きんにく]MG: 労 [いたずき]; 苦しみ [くるしみ]; 苦心 [くしん]; 痛み [いたみ]; 疼痛 [とうつう]; 苦痛 [くつう]; 痛覚 [つうかく]}筋肉痛 [きんにくつう]