전체 화면 모드 종료
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: face; human face MG: distinguish; differentiate; tell one from another MG: quality; trait; attribute; characteristic; property

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: feature, lineament
the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin
his lineaments were very regular; an expression of pleasure crossed his features
العربية: ملْمح, <root> لمح, قسمة, <root> قسم, <brokenpl> قسم, <brokenpl> قسمات, سرِيرة, <root> سرر, <brokenpl> سرائر, ملمح, سريرة
日本語: フィーチャー, フィーチュア, フィーチャ, 目鼻立ちめはなたち, 面相めんそう, 顔立ちかおだち
Româneşte: linie, trăsătură
Nederlands: eigenschap, trek
Svenska: ansiktsdrag
Slovenčina: ťah (tváre), črta, charakteristika
Shqipe: tipar, tipar i fytyrës
Euskara: itxura, aurpegiera, aurpegi, begitarte
norsk: andletstrekk, ansiktstrekk
简体中文: 容貌róng mào, 相貌xiàng mào, 轮廓lún kuò, 面貌特征miàn mào tè zhēng, 面部特征miàn bù tè zhēng, 面部轮廓miàn bù lún kuò
繁體中文: 容貌, 相貌, 輪廓, 面貌特征, 面部特征, 面部輪廓
Português: traço
Italiano: carattere somatico, lineamento, sembianza, tratto, fattezza, connotato, lineamenti, fattezze
Hrvatski: crta lica
Ελληνικά: χαρακτηριστικό
Català: facció, tret
Dansk: ansigtstræk
Lietuviškai: veido bruožas, buožas
Galego: trazo

WordNet: 1

Español: facción, rasgo
Français: trait, particularité, caractéristique, lynx
Polski: rys
ไทย: ส่วนประกอบใบหน้า
Български: черта
Suomi: kasvonpiirre, piirre
Norsk: ansiktstrekk
Slovenščina: poteza
Íslenska: andlit, andlitsdrættir, drættir, andlitslag, andlitsfall
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