전체 화면 모드 종료
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: middle part; center; centre; heart; eye MG: building; edifice

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: center, centre
a building dedicated to a particular activity
they were raising money to build a new center for research
العربية: مرْكز, <root> ركز, مركز
日本語: センター
Hrvatski: centar, središte
Bahasa Indonesia: bangunan, pusat
Svenska: centrum
Slovenčina: stredisko, centrum, ústredie
Shqipe: qendër, pjesë qëndrore
Euskara: gune, zentro

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 中心zhōng xīn, 中心点zhōng xīn diǎn
繁體中文: 中心, 中心點
Português: centro
Italiano: centro, polo
ไทย: ศูนย์, เซ็นเตอร์
Ελληνικά: κέντρο
Català: centre
Dansk: butikscenter, center, handelscenter, indkøbscenter, shoppingcenter
Lietuviškai: centras
Íslenska: aðalstöð, miðstöð, aðalsetur, bækistöð
Español: centro
Français: centre
Româneşte: clădirecentrală
Nederlands: centrum, middelpunt
Български: център
Suomi: keskus
Norsk: handelssenter, kjøpesenter, senter, shoppingsenter
Slovenščina: center, središče
norsk: kjøpesenter, senter, shoppingsenter
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