전체 화면 모드 종료
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: difficult; hard MG: condition; state; status; situation

Semantic relations:

English: difficulty, difficultness
the quality of being difficult
they agreed about the difficulty of the climb
العربية: شظف, <root> شظف, <brokenpl> شظفة, عناء, <root> عني, عُسْر, <root> عسر, حرج, <root> حرج, <brokenpl> حراج, صُعُوبة, <root> صعب, كبد, <root> كبد, <brokenpl> أكباد, عسر, صعوبة
日本語: 困難さこんなんさ, 難しさむずかしさ, なん
Româneşte: dificultate
Nederlands: hindernis, moeilijkheid
Български: трудност
Suomi: vaikeus, vaivalloisuus
Norsk: hindring, problem, vanskelighet
Slovenščina: težavnost
norsk: hindring, problem, vanske
简体中文: 困难kùn nan
繁體中文: 困難
Português: dificuldade
Italiano: difficoltà, fatica
Hrvatski: kompliciranost, problematičnost, teškoća, težina
Bahasa Indonesia: kerumitan, kesukaran, kesulitan, kesusahan
Svenska: svårighet
Slovenčina: ťažkosť, obtiažnosť
Shqipe: vështirësi
Euskara: zailtasun

WordNet: 1

Español: dificultad
Français: difficulté, mal
Polski: trudność
ไทย: ความยาก
Ελληνικά: δυσκολία
Català: dificultat
Dansk: besværlighed, hindring, vanskelighed
Lietuviškai: sudėtingumas, sunkumas
Íslenska: vandi, klípa, vandhæfi, vandræði, vandamál, erfiðleikar
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