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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: live MG: interval; period; time; time period; period of time; time interval; time amount MG: chance; randomicity; fortune; luck; hazard

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English: fortune, destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portion
your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
has a happy lot; the luck of the Irish; deserved a better fate; a victim of circumstances; whatever my fortune may be; success that was her portion
العربية: أوضاع, <root> وضع, حظّ, <root> حظظ, <brokenpl> حظوظ, ظرْف, <brokenpl> ظُرُوف, <root> ظرف, <brokenpl> ظروف, ظُرُوف, نصِيْب, <root> نصب, <brokenpl> أنصباء, قدر, <root> قدر, <brokenpl> أقدار, قِسْمة, <root> قسم, <brokenpl> قسم, <brokenpl> قسمات, حظ, ظرف, ظروف, نصيب, قسمة
日本語: 仕合わせしあいわせ, 仕合せしあわせ, 倖せしあわせ, こう, 命数いのちかず, 命運めいうん, まわ合わせあわせ, まわ合せあわせ, 回合わせかいあわせ, 回合せかいあわせ, 回合かいごう, 因縁ずくいんねんずく, 因縁いんねん, 因縁尽くいんねんことごとく, 因縁尽いんねんじん, 境遇きょうぐう, 天命てんめい, 天意てんい, 天運てんうん, 定めさだめ, さだごと, 定事ていこと, 宿世やどよ, 宿命しゅくめい, 宿因やどいん, 宿縁やどへり, 宿運やどうん, めぐ合わせあわせ, 巡合わせじゅんあわせ, 巡合せじゅんあわせ, 巡合じゅんごう, 幸せしあわせ, らし向きむき, 縁しへりし, うえ, うん, 運勢うんせい, 運命うんめい, 運気うんき
Hrvatski: kob, okolnosti, sreća, sudba, sudbina
Bahasa Indonesia: habuan, keberuntungan, kemujuran, kismet, nasib, peruntungan, rezeki, takdir, keadaan, kismat
Svenska: öde
Slovenčina: šťastie, osud, pomery
Norsk: lodd, skjebne
Euskara: halabehar, zori, patu

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 命运mìng yùn, 好运hǎo yùn, 宿命sù mìng, 情况qíng kuàng, 气数qì shu, 运命yùn mìng, 运气yùn qi
繁體中文: 命運, 好運, 宿命, 情況, 氣數, 運命, 運氣
Português: circunstâncias, destino, sina, sorte
Italiano: circostanza della vita, caso della vita, condizioni finanziarie
ไทย: ชะตากรรม
Ελληνικά: μοίρα, πεπρωμένο, περίσταση, τύχη
Català: circumstàncies, destí, fat, fortuna, sort, ventura
Dansk: lod, skæbne
Shqipe: fat, shans, short
Íslenska: sköp, forlög, örlög, forsjón, auðna
Español: destino, fortuna, suerte
Français: sort, chance, destinée, fortune, destin
Româneşte: destin, noroc, soartă, ursită, zodie, scris
Nederlands: geluk, toedracht
Български: орис, орисия, съдба, участ
Suomi: onni, osa, kohtalo, olot, tuuri
עברית: גּוֹרָל, מַזָּל
Slovenščina: okoliščina, sreča, usoda
norsk: lagnad, skjebne
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