Toka kwenye hali ya skrini kamili
MediaGlyphs Project

{MG: show; exhibit; display; exposeMG: right; correct; trueMG: reveal; bring out; disclose}
{MG: play; drama; dramatic playMG: role; function; office; partMG: do; perform; engage in; act; execute}
{MG: musicMG: play; drama; dramatic playMG: performance; public presentation; show; representation; execution; exhibitionMG: do; perform; engage in; act; execute}
MG: example; sample; specimen; illustration; instance; representative
{MG: example; sample; specimen; illustration; instance; representativeMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action}
{MG: behaviour; conduct; behavior; doingsMG: do; perform; engage in; act; execute}
{MG: show; exhibit; display; exposeMG: right; correct; true}
{MG: shape; formMG: change; transform; vary; alter; modify}
{MG: play; drama; dramatic playMG: person; human being; homo; human being; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; soul}
{MG: quantity; amount; numberMG: identical; equal; indistinguishable}
MG: seem; appear to be; give the impression (of); look
MG: appear; show up

[MG: ?MG: kitendo]?