Toka kwenye hali ya skrini kamili
MediaGlyphs Project

{MG: chance; randomicity; fortune; luck; hazardMG: option; choice; alternative; possibilityMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action}
MG: interval; period; time; time period; period of time; time interval; time amount
MG: season; time of year
MG: history
MG: name
MG: symbol; sign; token; mark; symbolisation; symbolic representation
MG: document; written document; papers
MG: airplane; aircraft; plane; aeroplane
MG: yellow; yellowness
{MG: job; employment; occupation; business; line of work; lineMG: talent; skill; knack}
{MG: eatMG: want; wish; desire}
MG: tree
MG: wood
MG: danger

{MG: ?MG: mwamba}?