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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: healthy; good; sound MG: condition; state; status; situation

Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: health, wellness, healthiness
a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease
physicians are responsible for the health of their patients; physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients
Русский: здоровье
Português do Brasil: saúde
日本語: からだ, ヘルス, 健全さけんぜんさ, 健康さけんこうさ, 健康けんこう
Türkçe: sağlık
Româneşte: sănătate
Nederlands: gezondheid, welzijn, gezondheidstoestand, salubriteit
Magyar: egészég
Български: здраве
Català: salut
Հայերէն: առողջություն
עברית: בריאות, בְּרִיאוּת
Lietuviškai: sveikata, gera savijauta, gerovė
ar Brezhoneg: yec'hed
Euskara: osasuna, osasun, osagarri
Galego: saúde
Монгол хэл: эрүүл мэнд
Papiamentu: salú
简体中文: 健康jiàn kāng, 康复kāng fù
繁體中文: 健康, 康復
العربية: صحة, عافية, صِحه
Français: santé, bien-être
한국어: 건강, 건강 상태
Polski: zdrowie
Hrvatski: zdravlje
Bahasa Indonesia: kesehatan
Čeština: zdraví, zdravotní stav
Svenska: hälsa
Afrikaans: gesondheid
Slovenčina: zdravie, blaho, dobrý stav
Norsk: helse
Slovenščina: zdravje <n>
Eesti: tervis
Føroyskt: heilnæmi, heilsa
Interlingua: sanitate
Latine: valetudo, salus

WordNet: 1

Español: salud
Português: saúde
Deutsch: Gesundheit
Italiano: salute, sanità
kiSwahili: afya
ไทย: สุขภาพ
नेपाली: स्वास्थ्य
Ελληνικά: υγεία
ﻯﺭﺩ: bhbvdy
Suomi: terveys, terveydentila, hyvinvointi
Dansk: helbred, sundhed, helse
ქართული: ჯანმრთელობა
Latviešu: veselība
Esperanto: sano
Frysk: sûnens
Íslenska: heilsa, hreysti, heilbrigði, fjör
norsk: helse
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