Thoát chế độ toàn màn hình
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: common; general; mutual MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action MG: object; thing; physical object MG: condition; state; status; situation

Semantic relations:

English: situation, state of affairs
the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time
the present international situation is dangerous; wondered how such a state of affairs had come about; eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation - Franklin D.Roosevelt
العربية: وَضْع, <root> وضع, وضع
日本語: シチュエイション, シチュエーション, 事態じたい, 具合ぐあい, 境遇きょうぐう, 局勢きょくせい, 形勢けいせい, 情勢じょうせい, 情態じょうたい, 情況じょうきょう, 時局じきょく, 景況けいきょう, 様子ようす, 様態ようたい, 状勢じょうせい, 状態じょうたい, 状況じょうきょう, 状相じょうそう, 相貌そうぼう
Hrvatski: situacija, stanje, stanje stvari
Ελληνικά: κατάσταση
Català: situació
Dansk: situation
Lietuviškai: situacija, būklė, būvis, padėtis
norsk: situasjon
简体中文: 事态shì tài, 境遇jìng yù, 局面jú miàn, 形势xíng shì, 情况qíng kuàng, 情势qíng shì, 状态zhuàng tài, 境地jìng dì, , kuàng
繁體中文: 事態, 境遇, 局面, 形勢, 情況, 情勢, 狀態, 境地, 局, 況
Português: condição, situação
Italiano: condizione, situazione
ไทย: สถานการณ์, สภาพการณ์
Български: положение, ситуация
Suomi: tilanne, asiainlaita
Norsk: situasjon
Slovenščina: položaj, razmere, situacija

WordNet: 1

Español: situación
Français: situation
Româneşte: staredefapt
Bahasa Indonesia: kedudukan, keadaan, kondisi, situasi, suasana
Svenska: situation
Slovenčina: situácia, stav, okolnosti
Shqipe: situatë, gjendje
Íslenska: staða, ástand
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