Thoát chế độ toàn màn hình
MediaGlyphs Project

MG: quantity; amount; number MG: number; numeral; digit

Semantic relations:

English: number, figure
the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
he had a number of chores to do; the figure was about a thousand; the number of parameters is small
العربية: عدد, <root> عدد, <brokenpl> أعداد, رقم, <root> رقم, <brokenpl> أرقام
日本語: あたい, かず, 数字すうじ
Hrvatski: broj, brojka, cifra, znamenka
Bahasa Indonesia: angka, bilangan, jumlah
Svenska: antal
Slovenčina: určité množstvo, určitý počet, množstvo, počet
Shqipe: numër
norsk: tal, tal på
简体中文: shǔ, 数字shù zì, 数目shù mù, 数量shù liàng, 人数rén shù
繁體中文: 數, 數字, 數目, 數量, 人數
Português: número
Italiano: numero, cifra
ไทย: จำนวน
Ελληνικά: αριθμός
Català: nombre
Dansk: antal
Slovenščina: vrsta, število

WordNet: 1

Español: número
Français: nombre
Româneşte: număr
Nederlands: aantal, getal, hoeveelheid, stel, tal
Български: число
Suomi: lukumäärä, luku
Norsk: antall
Íslenska: úi, ótal, sveimur, fjöld, fans, aragrúi, mergð, feikn, þvaga, grúi, urmull, kraðak, ókjör, kássa, gnótt, skari, hersing, fjöldi, þyrping, þröng, sægur, ógrynni, mor, herskari
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