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MediaGlyphs Project

MG: minority MG: rule; govern; control MG: system; scheme

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  Is: 1

English: oligarchy
a political system governed by a few people
the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen; one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy
Русский: олигархия
Deutsch: Oligarchie
Tiếng Việt: oligarchy
Polski: oligarchia
Hrvatski: oligarhija
Bahasa Melayu: oligarki
Čeština: oligarchie
Català: oligarquia
Dansk: oligarki
Lietuviškai: oligarchija
Euskara: oligarkia
Latine: oligarchia
简体中文: 寡头政治guǎ tóu zhèng zhì
繁體中文: 寡頭政治
Português: oligarquia
日本語: 寡頭制, 寡頭政治かとうせいじ
Italiano: oligarchia
Româneşte: oligarhie
ไทย: คณาธิปไตย
Bahasa Indonesia: oligarki
Ελληνικά: ολιγαρχία
Suomi: oligarkia
עברית: אוליגרכיה
Slovenščina: oligarhija
Galego: oligarquía
norsk: oligarki
Español: oligarquía
Français: oligarchie
한국어: 과두정
Türkçe: oligarşi
Српски: олигархија
Nederlands: oligarchie
Magyar: oligarchia
Svenska: oligarki
Slovenčina: oligarchia
ქართული: ოლიგარქია
Esperanto: oligarkio
Монгол хэл: цөөнхийн эзэрхэл, олигархи

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
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MG: taxi; cab; hack; taxicabtaxi; cab; hack; taxicab