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  verb >noun (normal transitive)
Semantic relations:

English: crush
to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
العربية: ازدحام
Deutsch: quetschen
Ελληνικά: συνθλίβω
Esperanto: frakasi, pisti, premegi
简体中文: ,
繁體中文: 壓, 軋
Português: esmagar
Italiano: schiacciare
Български: смачквам, унищожавам

Wikipedia: 1

Español: quebrantar
Français: ecraser
Nederlands: verpletteren
Suomi: rusentaa, musertaa, pusertaa
(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

[MG: speak; talk; say; express in wordsMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) speech; utter; mouth; verbalize; verbalise; talk; talking