MG: can; be able to; have the ability to MG: by...-ed; -en; by; passive MG: make; render MG: satisfied MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1
  Is related to: 1

English: satiable, satisfiable
capable of being sated
a satiable thirst; a satiable appetite
Italiano: saziabile
简体中文: 可饱的kě bǎo de
繁體中文: 可飽的
Suomi: tyydytettävissä oleva
日本語: 充足可能なじゅうぞくかのうな

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):
[ yalyiapoyaldipalkosadi ]

{MG: 山; 岳; 大山; 山脉; 高山; 山头MG: 顶; 峰; 尖峰; 最高点; 顶峰; 顶点; 顶部; 高峰; 尖; 山顶; 攻}?