Vollbildmodus aktivieren

radicalMG: preserve; maintain; keep
{MG: job; employment; occupation; business; line of work; lineMG: moneyMG: get; acquire; gain; obtain; benefit}
{MG: opinion; sentiment; persuasion; view; thoughtMG: think; intend; consider; ponder; cogitate; cerebrate}
MG: carry; bear; hold; transport
MG: own; possess; have; has; hold; have got
MG: keep; retain; hold on
MG: contain; hold; bear; carry
{MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: begin; start out; commence; set about; lead off}
{MG: until; till; so far as; up toMG: arrive (at); get (to); come}
{MG: before; earlierMG: assign; appoint; specify; set apart}
{MG: performance; public presentation; show; representation; execution; exhibitionMG: show; exhibit; display; expose}
MG: support; hold; hold up; sustain
