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  verb >noun (normal transitive)
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  Is: 1

English: tickle, titillate, vellicate
touch lightly a body part so as to cause uneasiness, laughter or spasmodic movements
Deutsch: kitzeln
Suomi: kutittaa
简体中文: 搔痒sāo yǎng
繁體中文: 搔癢
Italiano: solleticare

Wikipedia: 1

Português: fazer cócegas
Ελληνικά: γαργαλάω, γαργαλεύω
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[MG: person; human being; homo; human being; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; soulMG: against; contra-; anti-; counter-MG: person; human being; homo; human being; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; soulMG: be; am; is; areMG: wolf]Man is a wolf to man