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  verb >noun (normal transitive)
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: promise
verbally commit to do - or not to do - something in the future
العربية: وعد
Deutsch: versprechen
Nederlands: belofte, afspraak
Suomi: lupaus
简体中文: 发誓fā shì
繁體中文: 發誓
Português: prometer
日本語: 約諾やくだく, 祈誓きせい, 誓詞せいし, 信約しんやく, 約束事やくそくごと, 将来性しょうらいせい
Ελληνικά: υπόσχεση
Esperanto: promeso
Español: prometer
Français: promettre
Italiano: promettere
Български: обещавам

Wikipedia: 1

(not your lang?)->
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{MG: house; dwelling; home; domicile; abode; habitation; dwelling house; placeMG: celebrate; rejoice; partyMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action}house party