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English: Fukuoka
한국어: 후쿠오카 시
Hrvatski: Fukuoka
Lietuviškai: Fukuoka
Latine: Fucuoca
简体中文: 福冈市fú gāng shì
繁體中文: 福岡市
Tiếng Việt: Fukuoka
Български: Фукуока
Eesti: Fukuoka

Wikipedia: 1

日本語: 福岡ふくおか
Româneşte: Fukuoka
Català: Fukuoka
Galego: Fukuoka
(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

[MG: that; thoseMG: day; twenty-four hours; solar day; twenty-four hour period; 24-hour interval; mean solar day]on that day; that day