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{MG: cause; lead to; result in; generate; arouse; engender; give rise toMG: exercise; practice; drill; practice session; recitation} MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action

Semantic relations:

English: exercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workout
the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit
he did some exercising; the doctor recommended regular exercise; the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit
العربية: تدْرِيْب, <root> درب, تدْرِيْب رِياضِي, تمْرِيْن, <root> مرن, تمْرِيْن رِياضِي, تدريب, تدريب رياضي, تمرين, تمرين رياضي
日本語: エキササイズ, エクササイズ, 運動することうんどうすること, 運動うんどう
Hrvatski: fiskultura, gombanje, tjelovježba, vježba, vježbanje
Bahasa Indonesia: riadah, berolahraga, latih, latihan
Svenska: genomkörare, motion
Slovenčina: cvičenie, fyzické cvičenie
Norsk: mosjon
Slovenščina: rekreacija, trenaža, trening, treniranje, vadba, vaja
Íslenska: þjálfun, æfing, iðkun
简体中文: 体育锻炼tǐ yù duàn liàn, 练习liàn xí, 训练xùn liàn, 运动yùn dòng, 锻炼duàn liàn
繁體中文: 體育鍛煉, 練習, 訓練, 運動, 鍛煉
Português: exercício fisico
Italiano: esercizio, esercizio fisico, moto, esercizio ginnico
ไทย: การออกกำลังกาย, การบริหารร่างกาย
Ελληνικά: άσκηση
Català: entrenament, exercici, exercici físic
Dansk: motion
Shqipe: ushtrim, stërvitem, ushtrohem, tendosje fizike
Euskara: ariketa fisiko, entrenamendu
norsk: mosjon
Español: ejercicio, entrenamiento
Français: exercice
Româneşte: exercițiufizic
Nederlands: work out, oefening
Български: упражнение
Suomi: liikunta
עברית: הִתְעַמְּלוּת
Lietuviškai: treniruotė, mankšta
Galego: exercicio físico, adestramento

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[MG: jump; leap; bound; springMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) jump; leap; jumping