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MG: head; caput MG: pain; ache; aching; hurting; pain sensation; painful sensation

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: headache, head ache, cephalalgia
pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs
Français: céphalée, mal de tête, mal à la tête
Româneşte: cefalalgie, cefalee, migrenă, dureredecap
ไทย: อาการปวดศีรษะ, อาการปวดหัว
Bahasa Indonesia: pening
Slovenčina: bolesť hlavy
Euskara: buruko min
简体中文: 头疼tóu téng, 头痛tóu tòng, 头部疼痛tóu bù téng tòng
繁體中文: 頭疼, 頭痛, 頭部疼痛
日本語: 頭痛ずつう
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: خشخاش وحشی, دردسر, سردرد
Nederlands: hoofdpijn, koppijn
Català: cefalàlgia, cefalea, mal de cap
Lietuviškai: galvos skausmas
Galego: cefalalxia
Português: Cefaléia, cefaleia, dor de cabeça, enchaqueca, problemão
Italiano: mal di testa, emicrania, cefalea, cefalgia, cefalalgia
Hrvatski: glavobolja
Bahasa Melayu: pening, sakit kepala
Suomi: päänsärky, pään särky, kefalalgia
Slovenščina: glavobol

WordNet: 1

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