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MG: gold; Au; atomic number 79 MG: colour; colouring MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:

English: aureate, gilded, gilt, gold, golden
having the colour of gold
العربية: ذهبي
Deutsch: golden
Italiano: aureo, dorato
Hrvatski: zlatan
Čeština: zlatý, zlatavý
Shqipe: artë
Latine: auricolor
Español: dorado
Português: áureo
తెలుగు: స్వర్ణ, కనక
Türkçe: altın
Nederlands: goudkleurig, gouden
Հայերէն: ոսկեգույն
Esperanto: ora
bil-Malti: dehbi
Русский: золочёный, позолоченный
Français: d'or
Tiếng Việt: (bằng) vàng
Polski: złoty
नेपाली: सुनाैलो
Slovenčina: zlatý
Føroyskt: gyltur
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MG: higanyhigany