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Semantic relations:

English: wind, air current, current of air
air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
when there is no wind, row; trees bent under the fierce winds; the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere
Español: viento, corriente, aire
Português: o vento
Deutsch: der Wind
తెలుగు: పవనము, తెమ్మెర
Polski: wiatr
Српски: ветар
ไทย: ลม, กระแสลม, สายลม, พระพาย
नेपाली: हावा
Ελληνικά: άνεμος, αέρας
ﻯﺭﺩ: باد
Suomi: tuuli, ilmavirta, ilman virtaus
Dansk: vind
Shqipe: era, erë, rrymë ere, korrent ajri
Македонски: ветрот
Eesti: tuul
Euskara: haize, aire
Gaeilge: gaoth <f>
Íslenska: vindur, hvassviðri, næðingur, stormur, kaldi, gola, strekkingur, andvari, belgingur, kári, blástur, strengur, gustur, steyta, steyingur, gráð, kuldastrekkingur
bil-Malti: kurrent, riħ, kurrent ta' l-arja

Wikipedia: 1

简体中文: fēng, 气流qì liú
繁體中文: 風, 氣流
Русский: ветер
Português do Brasil: vento
日本語: かぜ, ウインド, ウィンド, 気流きりゅう
Italiano: vento, aria
spostamento di masse d'aria atmosferiche dovuto a differenza di temperatura o di pressione; spostamento di masse d'aria atmosferiche causato da differenze di temperatura o di pressione
kiSwahili: upepo, baridi, mpepea
Hrvatski: vjetar, zračna struja
Nederlands: wind
Magyar: szél
Български: вятър
Català: vent, aire
Հայերէն: քամի
עברית: רוח
Lietuviškai: vėjas
Latviešu: vējš
toki pona: kon
Føroyskt: vindur
Galego: vento, corrente de aire
Монгол хэл: салхи, эрчлэх, мушгирах, агаар, агаарын урсгал, амьсгаа, амьсгал
norsk: vind

WordNet: 1

हिनदी: हवा, पवन, वायु
العربية: ريح, رياح, هواء, <root> هوي, رِياح, <root> روح, رِيْح, تيّار هوائِي, تيار هوائي
Français: vent
한국어: 바람
Türkçe: yel
Româneşte: vânt
Bošnjački: vjetar
Bahasa Indonesia: bayu, angin
Čeština: vítr
Svenska: vind, blåst
Afrikaans: wind
Slovenčina: vietor, veterný prúd, prúd vzduchu
Norsk: vind
Slovenščina: veter
ar Brezhoneg: avel
Esperanto: vento
Frysk: wyn
Interlingua: vento
Latine: ventus
Papiamentu: biento, bientu
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