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{MG: solve; resolve; work out; figure out; puzzle out; lick; workMG: decide; make up one's mind; determine} MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action
Semantic relations:

English: settlement, resolution, closure
something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making
they finally reached a settlement with the union; they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences; he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure
Français: colonisation, règlement, bouclage, fermeture, clôture
Polski: rozstrzygnięcie
ไทย: ผลการตัดสินใจ
Svenska: förlikning
Dansk: afgørelse, beslutning, vedtagelse
Íslenska: reikningsskil, bókhaldsniðurstaða, uppgjör
简体中文: 决定jué dìng, 决议jué yì
繁體中文: 決定, 決議
日本語: 収まりおさまり, 始末しまつ, 決まりきまり, 決りきまり, 決定けってい, 決着けっちゃく, 治まりおさまり, 清算せいさん, 確定かくてい, 確立かくりつ, 締りていり, 括りくくり, 締括りていくくり, 締括ていかつ, 落着らくちゃく, 解決かいけつ
Româneşte: acord, aranjament, înțelegere, învoială
Bahasa Indonesia: azam, resolusi, keputusan, penyelesaian
Català: resolució
Norsk: beslutning, vedtak
norsk: avgjerd, vedtak
Español: acuerdo, resolución
Italiano: risoluzione
Hrvatski: dogovor, odluka, pogodba, rezultat, zaključak
Български: решение
Suomi: sovinto, päätös, päättäminen
Slovenščina: poravnava, zaključek

WordNet: 1

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