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MG: support; hold; hold up; sustain MG: document; written document; papers

Semantic relations:

English: documentation, support
documentary validation
his documentation of the results was excellent; the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones
Português: documentação
Italiano: documentazione
Hrvatski: dokumentacija
Bahasa Indonesia: bukti, perbahanan, dokumen, dokumentasi, menyokong, sokongan
Català: documentació
Norsk: støtte
Íslenska: stuðningsskjöl
简体中文: 文件wén jiàn, 文档wén dàng
繁體中文: 文件, 文檔
Français: document, documentation
Polski: dokumentowanie
ไทย: พยานเอกสาร, เอกสารหลักฐาน
Български: потвърждение
Suomi: puolustus, vahvistus, dokumentaatio
Slovenščina: dokumentacija
norsk: støtte
Español: fundamento, documentación
日本語: ドキュメンテーション
Româneşte: documentare
acțiunea de a dovedi, a susține ceva pe bază de documente
Nederlands: documentatie
Svenska: underlag
Dansk: støtte
Euskara: dokumentazio

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