Ingia kwenye hali ya skrini kamili

MG: appear; show up MG: arrive (at); get (to); come

  verb (intransitive)
Semantic relations:

English: come to the fore, step forward, come forward, step up, step to the fore, come out
make oneself visible; take action
Young people should step to the fore and help their peers
日本語: まかり出でるまかりいでる, さし出るさしでる, 差しでるさしでる, 出るでる, 差出るさでる, 罷りいでるまかりいでる, まか出でるいでる, 罷出でるひいでる, 出すだす, 踏出すとうだす, 進みでるすすみでる, すす出るでる, 進出るしんしゅつる
ไทย: ก้าวไปข้างหน้า
Ελληνικά: παρουσιάζομαι
简体中文: 出现chū xiàn, 挺身而出tǐng shēn ér chū, 涌现出来yǒng xiàn chū lái, 走到前面来zǒu dào qián miàn lái
繁體中文: 出現, 挺身而出, 涌現出來, 走到前面來
Româneşte: faceunpasînfață
Bahasa Melayu: keluar
Suomi: astua esiin, tulla parrasvaloihin, ottaa oma paikkansa, tulla julkisuuteen, nousta esiin
Français: augmenter, étendre
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: برخاستن
Bahasa Indonesia: keluar

WordNet: 1

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