Vào chế độ toàn màn hình

MG: wood MG: plant; flora; plant life MG: skin; tegument; cutis

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: bark
the tough, protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub; tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
Português: casca, súber
Italiano: corteccia, buccia, scorza
Hrvatski: kora
Bahasa Indonesia: kulit kayu
Svenska: bark
Slovenčina: kôra
Lietuviškai: žievė
Íslenska: börkur, trjábörkur, skán, hýði

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 樹皮 | 树皮 | 皮shù pí | pí
繁體中文: 樹皮, 皮
Français: écorce, aboyer, cortex
Polski: kora
ไทย: เปลือกไม้
Ελληνικά: φλοιός
Català: corfa, corxa, escorça
Dansk: bark
Slovenščina: lubje
norsk: bark
Español: corteza
日本語: 木皮きかわ, 木肌きはだ, 木膚きはだ, 樹皮じゅひ, かわ
Româneşte: coajă, scoarță
Nederlands: bast, schil
Български: кора
Suomi: kaarna
Norsk: bark
Galego: casca

Wikipedia: 1

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