Vào chế độ toàn màn hình
main glyph

Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1
  Is: 1

English: left
of, relating to, situated on, or being on the side of body which is away from the heart
العربية: يسار
Deutsch: links, linkerhand
Nederlands: linker
Suomi: vasen
中文: zuǒ
Português: a esquerda
日本語: 左側さそく, レフト, 左側ひだりがわ
Ελληνικά: αριστερό <-ρή/-ρός>
Esperanto: maldekstra, liva
Español: a la izquierda
Français: a gauche
Italiano: sinistro, a sinistra
Български: в ляво

Wikipedia: 1

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