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MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive) MG: refreshed; rested; restored MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action
Semantic relations:

English: convalescence, recuperation, recovery
gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
Português: convalescência, recuperação
Italiano: convalescenza, guarigione, guarimento, ricupero, ristabilimento, sanazione, miglioramento
Hrvatski: oporavak
Bahasa Indonesia: penyembuhan, pemulihan, sembuh
Català: convalescència, recuperació
עברית: הַחְלָמָה
Euskara: indarberritze, osatze, sendatze
norsk: rekonvalesens
简体中文: 康复kāng fù, 恢复huī fù, zuò, 坐月子zuò yuè zi, yǎng
繁體中文: 康復, 恢復, 坐, 坐月子, 養
Français: recouvrement, récupération
Polski: konwalescencja, rekonwalescencja
ไทย: การพักฟื้น
Български: възстановяване, оздравяване
Suomi: parantuminen, toipuminen
Norsk: rekonvalesens
Galego: convalecencia

WordNet: 1

Español: recuperación
日本語: リカバリー, 克復かつふく, 全快ぜんかい, 再起さいき, 回復かいふく, 平癒へいゆ, 床上げゆかうえげ, 床上ゆかうえ, 復調ふくちょう, 快復かいふく, 快気かいき, 快癒かいゆ, 恢復かいふく, 治りなおり, 治癒ちゆ, 直りなおり
Româneşte: convalescență, recuperare
Nederlands: recuperatie, herstel, reconvalescentie, revalidatie
Svenska: bättring
Dansk: rekonvalescens
Slovenščina: izterjava, ojačanje, okrevanje, ozdravitev, ozdravljenje, prebolevanje, rekonvalescenca, rekuperacija
Íslenska: lækning, bót, bati
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[MG: discuss; talk about (something); converse; hash out; talk overMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) discussion; conversation; give-and-take