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MG: like; enjoy MG: cause; lead to; result in; generate; arouse; engender; give rise to MG: pain; ache; aching; hurting; pain sensation; painful sensation MG: quality; trait; attribute; characteristic; property

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: cruelty, cruelness, harshness
the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance
Français: cruauté, cruel
Polski: bezwzględność, okrucieństwo
Bahasa Indonesia: kebengisan, kekasaran, kekejaman, kezaliman
Lietuviškai: žiaurumas, negailestingumas, beširdiškumas
Føroyskt: grimd
Papiamentu: krueldat
Español: crueldad
日本語: 不人情ふにんじょう, 冷酷れいこく, 暴虐ぼうぎゃく, 残虐ざんぎゃく, 残酷ざんこく
Româneşte: cruzime, ferocitate, neîndurare, neomenie, răutate, asprime
Suomi: julmuus, raakuus
Slovenščina: krutost
Frysk: wredens

WordNet: 1

Português: crueldade
Italiano: asprezza, crudeltà, ferocità, malvagità, tristizia, inumanità, ferocia, efferatezza, atrocità, scelleratezza, spietatezza
ไทย: ความโหดร้าย
Slovenčina: krutosť
Euskara: bihozgabekeria, ankerkeria, krudelkeria
Galego: crueldade
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[MG: (the n-th one); -th; ordinal number; ordinalMG: three]third; 3rd; tertiary